During today’s global pandemic, it seems normal for mankind to long for and desire things to be back the way they used to be - Back then, BEHIND us. I too longed for things to be back to what I understood as normal. That familiar place, that comfortable place, that complacent place.
But one day I thought that perhaps the Lord was not pleased with all we were doing back then; how we conducted things, ourselves, or what we may have become back then. I believe that He is using this very season to birth things new and fresh in us to benefit the whole world. Things to equip us for such a time as this, and to ready us for what’s ahead. Just maybe He is stripping us from those things behind in order to clothe us for His fast-approaching, and Triumphant Return.
I’m reminded of Lot’s wife (Genesis 19:26). God so mercifully moved on behalf of her and her family to save them from destruction. While He intervened to bring them to a new place, a safe place, a better place, she yet longed for what was BEHIND. Instead of running toward the place God was leading them, she looked back – affixed on what was BEHIND. As a result, she immediately lost her life and turned into a pillar of salt.
Another recollection is the children of Israel. Here again God answered their prayers and delivered them from over 400 years of bondage, enslavement, mistreatment, hard labor, woe and strife; to lead them to a land of promise. Yet many yearned for the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic from BEHIND.
There are some things BEHIND us that God does not want us to return back to. Instead, He is birthing the new, giving divine strategies to succeed in this hour, a new wave of wisdom for soul winning, (“…he that winneth souls is wise” - Proverbs 11:30), and ushering us into the greatest revival that this generation has ever seen. That’s what I believe.
So let’s not chase what’s BEHIND. Instead, let us attentively run this race, pressing forward to what God has set before us. He is Jehovah Nissi our Banner, ever going before us leading the way to what He is yet preparing for us. So as His approaching draws nigh, let us do what Paul said in Philippians 3:14 – “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Don’t Chase Behind!