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He Want's You To Know.......


Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

As a child, have you ever asked your parents for something you needed? Not something that you just wanted, but something that you absolutely needed. Perhaps it was food when you were hungry, or medicine when you were sick. Maybe it was help with homework, or counsel when you were unclear what decision to make. It may have been directions on how to get somewhere, how to answer an important question, or how to determine a best choice. Something that you needed!

In such instances, was there ever a time when your parents, having the necessary means on hand, refused to provide their assistance? Most would answer “No.” Normally, a loving parent would not withhold wise counsel, direction, or guidance to an asking child in need. Especially, if it’s readily available for them to provide it. Surely they would make sure that their child’s need was met.

How much more our Heavenly Father. When we ask Him what to say, will He not answer and give us what to say? When we ask Him which way to go, will He not answer and guide our footsteps? When we ask Him whom to associate with, and who not, will He not reveal what’s needed (red flags) enabling us to make a clear decision? When we ask Him how to do something, will He not teach us or provide what’s needed that we may learn? When we ask Him how to answer, will He not direct us? The answer to all of these and more, is “Yes, Yes, and Yes.”

God loves us dearly and He wants us to know the answers to such questions during the course of our lives. Also, so that He can use us effectively at any given time. He wants us to know what to say, when to say, and how to say it. He wants us to know where to go, when to go, and which direction to take. The Bible speaks of the value of a word in season. So He wants us to know how to answer an eager, hurting heart when, within ourselves, we have no clue. He wants us to know!

When we follow the instructions of Proverbs 3:5-6, no matter how uncomfortable uncertainty feels, we can rest assure that when we ask, our Heavenly Father will answer. He will not fold His Loving Arms and tell us to figure it out. Why? Because,…….

He Wants Us to Know!

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